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Everyday items made larger through ebay?

Okay. I've wondered about this for a while and would like to know how others view it, even if you make your living selling on ebay and don't want to necessarily put it down (even if that's the thing to do these days). Does anyone notice that the same items found on ebay going for big bucks are often the same or very similar items you find at the local antique or thrift store over and over again and for little money. I mean certainly there's much more available out there that you will never find in such stores and certainly there are rarer and many more items that ebay can offer.

But for instance an antique or thrift store can have old tin cans, glass, collectibles, etc. They can be bought for just a few dollars and have a fancy listing built around them and a world of potential bidders and the item is often sold for much more than the seller paid. I know this is probably why many refer to ebay as epay, greedbay, etc. I realize it can be good no matter what you think, you will usually get more for your product than anywhere else, so as a seller it may be hard to complain.

Someone on another board I view mentioned that most stuff sold on ebay is the same 'junk' that you couldn't sell in person, but will sell for big bucks on ebay. Hence, the poster ended with, there are no deals on ebay. So what do ya'll think about this or does anyone care?
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