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Reply to "First class International insurance"

International First Class Mail is not trackable unless you purchase Registered Mail.


Let me put one interesting twist on that assertion. The US Customs Form on the 1st Class International package is scanned and tracked in the USPS system. In fact, you can enter the the number at the USPS Website Track and Confirm and it will provide the office, date, and time it entered the system. USPS actually tracks the package beyond entry, but doesn't normally provide that info. I had a package take an odd detour on its way to Canada and my local post office had a whole sheet of printout on its where-abouts (that they only let me glance at). My guess is they may even track across borders with some countries, since 911.

BTW....I use to message an International Buyer with the Customs Form number and the track link upon shipment as part of my standard communication with buyer to confirm ship.

Is that sufficient to support any UPic Insurance claim? Well, I use to document a ship with pictures of the package and a photocopy of the Customs Form. Never had a claim, but it surely was good evidence to support one.

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