quote:It is just when I use the non-HTML there is a problem
I thought you said it was originally done in HTML ?
Are these 'non HTML' bits pasted from M$Word or Frontpage because I found and heard that there is so much fluff and bloat in the HTML they create even different browsers and previewers interpret it different.
Unfortunately browsers are designed to read broken and distorted code and make something of it, trouble is they don't all agree and send out confusing and conflicting symptoms.
This is the reason I decided that HTML only was the only reliable route.
I took a piece of bloat generated code and parred away by trial and error plus some HTML documentation to see what was really needed, about 10% or less of what Word creates and I gather from others it is similar for Frontpage too.
I believe it is much easier to write and debug simple HTML rather than try and work out why bloated fluff loaded code does not work in scenario #1, 2 or 3 but does in #4