Hey, I need a button with that image for ebay live!

slightly off topic (my pinkslap story) -- i'm the one that caused ebay to start warning people about spoofs on their main pages (rather than only warning in forums like they had been).
I nearly fell for a phish and after some digging found the warning buried in the forums. i felt that wasnt enough and went to CBS News and got them to run story on national news (as part of their friday consumer alert series) about ebay spoofs and phishing in general. when preparing the story, they asked me to try to find people that had been victims (instead of near victim like i was).
so i posted on ebay forums about it and that was going to the media about it and asking for any victims to step forward. got pinkslapped because all requests for info by the media have to go through their legal dept. (nevermind the fact that i was just a concerned private citizen and not the media themselves).
and got pinkslapped again for complaining about the pink slap on the forums.
CBS news ran the story (using my email acct so they could show the spoof email on news), ebay began putting warnings on main pages of site, and ebay spent quite a bit of $ running a series of commercials about how great it was to shop on ebay.
So, i'm not the most popular guy when it comes to ebay's upper mgmt - laf!