I've noticed I am not able to "bulk delete" all events. Thanks to your timely notice of the downtime (THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!!) I listed all my Saturday auctions 3 days ago. I normally schedule around 100 auctions every day and yesterday was no exception. Then in the morning I get the item numbers and enter them in my own tracking spreadsheet. This morning I could not do that (no big deal), so I got them straight from eBay. Now that the site is back up I want to bulk delete ALL events. There are now 3 ways to delete: single deleted (right after the event), by clicking "delete all events" and by selecting all events on one page (10 max at a time) and clicking "Delete Selected Events".
Only the single event delete seems to work.
When I click "Delete All Events" I get a warning window (good), but then it does not actually delete ANYthing. (not good)
When I select all 10 events on one page and clikc "Delete Selected Events", I get a pop-up window that says "need to select at least one event". It's obviously not "seeing" that I selected ALL events on that page. I'll wait till this get fixed; don't look forward to manually deleting 100 events!

Again, THANKS for the early heads-up about the downtime. That saved a lot of aggravation!