sometimes it just takes a second set of eyes to see what's right in front of you

load up windows messenger (start/programs/Windows_Messenger or start/run and type in C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe ) and then IM me wayoutwestusa at
note: if you dont have an MSN or acct will have to create a hotmail addy in order to use Windows Messenger)
Once we're both online at same time, you can
click Actions/Ask_For_Remote_Assistance (or right click my name in window and then left click "Ask for Remote Assistance") this will allow me to see your computer's desktop (just like you see) and with your permission will let me move your mouse cursor around screen. You will see everything I do, and you will have power to kill the connection at any time.
I promise I wont do anything malicious. (and like i said, you can kill it anytime and will see exactly what i do) Donna, Lisa, and some of the others here have known me for awhile, so hopefully they will speak for my character