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Reply to "Get It Together and Quit The Insurance Scam!!"

First of all... who's the one spinning stories? You were making some pretty bold and unfounded statements about Auctiva responding to claims earlier today.

Second of all... if you don't have a problem with Auctiva making money off insurance, why are you calling it "unethical" and a "scam"?

Third... Do you know what "illiterate" means? An illiterate person is one who cannot read. If I, or any of the other posters, were illiterate, we would not be able to respond to your comments. I am, in fact, very literate. I have a BA, a BS, an MS, and I'm 5 months from a PhD. I teach chemistry at a University and I have authored a textbook. I am a researcher for a quaint little organization - the National Science Foundation. Perhaps you have heard of them? Yes, I can read.

Fourth... If you do not use Auctiva, why are you offering to pay for it? And, oh, maybe you should know - WE DO PAY FOR AUCTIVA every time we use their insurance.

Fifth... If you don't use Auctiva, why are you offering it to your customers? That just doesn't add up.

Sixth... The saying actually goes: "And if you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida for sale." Nothing about cars or bridges. FYI, the bridges are in Brooklyn.
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