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Reply to "Having problem seeing text in listings once posted on eBay"


I assume you are referring to your listing # 170168484377 for the bowie knife.

I checked your html and found that you do not have a font color specified for the second paragraph. You have the proper font tags for the first paragraph. Then you have opening font tags for the second paragraph specifying font style and size but not a color code. This is resulting in white text on a white background.

(note: I copied the source code for your listing to notepad, inserted the color code into your font tag and then opened it in Firefox. The second paragraph appears exactly as it should. So the problem is the missing color code.)

In order to see the text, you have to highlight the whole paragraph by clicking at the beginning of the paragraph with your cursor and dragging to the end of the paragraph. When you are clicking on it multiple times you are simply highlighting the particular words that you clicked on.

If there were no bids on this listing then you could simply revise the listing by adding a color code to the font tag for the second paragraph.

Since you have bids the best you can do is add to the description. Open your listing and highlight and copy the second paragraph. Then add the second paragraph the way you added the section on how to see the missing paragraph. I think this would be a better solution than having bidders trying to click the invisible text.

Hope this helps.


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