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Reply to "Having problems with listing items.. keeps on saying error"

Hi doorbell7942,

Unfortunately, this error message does not give us a very clear idea of what about the listing is actually being rejected. The first thing you should do is check to make sure your eBay and Paypal accounts are in good standing. If they are, the most efficient way to get this listing posted is to do so directly through eBay.

If you would like to use Auctiva's templates and image hosting in this listing, please go to Auctiva -> Listings(tab) -> Saved Listings, check the box next to the item, and click the "Get HTML" button. Then, select all and copy the html in the window.

Once you have done this, proceed to eBay to create the listing. When you get to the item description, click the "Enter Your Own HTML" tab and paste in the copied html. This will make the listing appear exactly like the one you designed in Auctiva.

If you are able to post your listings in this manner, please let me know by filing a support request from our help page, as I would like to communicate this information to our developers to take up with eBay.

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