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Hello from Norway!

I've been following the discussions for a while. Lots of interesting and helpful stuff. I really like that bad sellers are being outed.

It sounds like lots of you guys have negative experiences on ebay. I've been a member for four years and have 429 positive feedbacks - no negatives - and I'm quite satisfied.

I addition comes all the people who don't bother to leave feedbacks, even if I have. Mostly sellers, but some buyers, too. I don't bother chasing them; it's not important how many positives I have, as long as I don't have any negatives.

All in all, I have mostly good things to say about ebay. Sure, some buyers/sellers are difficult, but the standard is much lower at some other auction sites I've used. I've been cheated much more on Scandinavian sites, even with only one tenth the amount of transactions.

My game is art pottery, and I really hate the sellers who don't bother to mention a small nick or hairline crack in the descriptions. It's such a drag having to write lots of e-mails, argue, complain via ebay, not daring to give a negative feedback because I might get a hate in return - which again leads to lots of writing and arguing and lower credibility with the punters.

Often, complaining to ebay is a waste of time. The answer usually points to the rules, which I've already read. But they do help with non-paying and not-received complaints. I've used them a few times, and it helps.

Well, I'm using a lot of space. Just wanted to say that I'm not unhappy.

This is all for now from Norway. I don't know anybody who uses ebay, so this Community is very interesting for me.

NB: Sleipner is Odin's horse with eight legs.
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