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Help! I have a Mac, & uploading is a nightmare! Help!

?:| Hi, Can anyone help me? I use to be able to upload my pixs w/ Auctiva & on my Mac, but the last couple months, has been a nightmare, all I do is spend hours, trying to get pixs on. They have apparently switched uploaders. I have wrote them several times, and they always respond, with what to do, but nothing is working. I can use HTML & Auctiva uploader, and have problems w/both. With HTML only 40% load, the others FAIL. With Auctiva uploader, 50%will load & the other 50% say "File to big" will not load. then, if they do load with Auctiva uploader, half the pixs appear as a small white piece of paper w/ an x, no pix. Anyone having this problem, or am I just stupid? Any other places to try? Photobucket? Anything, that works w/Mac? Ebay uploader works fine, but I love the templates, and fees on Auctiva. I guess this is just happening w/Mac users. Any help would be sooooooo appreciated!!!!!!
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