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Help!! I think I've screwed up.....somewhere! :-)

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to keep a straight head about all of this. I could really use someone's help. I am new to "selling", sort of put off doing all the bells and whistles to my listings until yesterday. I've been up all night trying to figure this Auctiva out.

1. I have already created a listing in ebay last night. Was having trouble with the auctiva, scheduled the listing to start later on today. Got frustrated with Auctiva, went back to Ebay to just upload my images straight to there. Will I be able to get a refund on the additional images for those listings?

2. Auctiva reads I have only 5 active listings, when I have 7.

3. The categories of course have all been changed, I don't know how. Listing that were done on Ebay days ago are no longer there.

4. When I go to my store in Ebay, it shows I only have 3 items, when I have 7 active.

5. In the scrolling gallery, It shows an image with the wrong description, however, when you click on that auction, the picture is right.

This is all I can remember for now. Please someone help me. Thanks again
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