Gosh I soooooooo want to cry!!!! Ok, get this, I've listed tons and tons of paper die cuts with this SAME darned tables and all, description and all. They all worked fine. Then go figure, ok, I didn't convert it to HTML, but I thought to myself, what if I post the ad without the tables and then paste the tables into the listing. It worked this time. UGH! I reallllllllly wish I'd thought of that sooner! I've spent countless HOURS making these tables to where they will fit nicely and are almost the same size. When creating them, it wouldn't paste correctly into Auctiva. It looked all uneven and all. No borders and such like I had in MW. Then FINALLY one day I spent over 16 hours DETERMINED to BEAT MW and do this. I finally got it to work. I was soooooo happy and then now I had this problem the last few days now. So instead of converting the tables into HTML, I just deleted them completely and then pasted them into the description on the listing on Ebay...IT WORKED!!! MY GOSH THANK YOU ALL TONSSSS & TONSSSSSSSS!!!! Now to go get some satisfied patient waiting customers! Whew! I need a drink after all this! Our Uncle passed away last week, things have been chaotic around here and then I thought I'd be able to 'take out my stress' on listings. LOL..then I ran into this issue! Whew! I wish Autiva could put the error message as: won't paste your tables from MW correctly-please delete or something to that affect so that I'd know EXACTLY what the problem was. I feel for all those computer techs out there-Danno!!!! LOL! I'd go insane trying to do your jobs and I praise you ALL for your HARD WORK!!!! BLESS YOU ALL! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still LOVE Auctiva!!!!! Beats paying Ebay's designer/scheduling/picture fees! THANK YOU AUCTIVA FOR SAVING ME $$$$!!!! Y'all are the BEST!!!!! Even when I'm pulling my hair out!!!! LOL! Have a great day!!!!! (((HUGS)))