LOL, thanks Danno and Bexley! Y'all are WAY AWESOME to help out so much like you do. I'm such a 'visual' person that if I don't 'see' what I'm doing, I go nuts! LOL! Bexley, funny that you mention that folder thing. I like that idea! I will surely do that later on this evening. I'm legally blind and I had my old computer for over 5 years and then the Commission For The Blind(CFTB)came and just GAVE me a BRAND NEW computer, printer, 20" monitor with loads of software for me to use. They wanted me to hook it up. I laughed at them as I didn't even know what to do after plugging it They didn't partition my hard drive the way my hubby did my old hard drive so EVERYTHING is on C for now. Hubby is going to help me move ALL my stuff off this hard drive to copy to another external hard drive(something like that)to where I can free up space. I make tons & tons of documents(not to mention I'm a photoholic!)and it gobs up all my space. I told hubby that I needed a 'procedure' book on the 'how' to's(you know burning data to disks and such)but we have been so darned busy with all going on that we haven't had time to do so yet. Not to mention I spend almost 12 hours or more each day doing listings on Auctiva for my Ebay store. This weekend tied me up though and I wasn't able to do as much and then ran into these snags. LOL! So THANK YOU BOTH SOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR TREMENDOUS HELP!!!! Sometimes it's something this easy that you overlook so many times and you can't figure it out. It's like digging for a needle in a haystack! LOL! Ok, I'm outta here for now. I have soooooooo much to do! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!