1) Have you checked your colour combinations I could not read the description of item 370019717455 because the magneta text and red background are almost the same colour. So basically the description is unreadable and the terms and conditions etc are so long as to make a buyer move on. This item is unlikely to sell.
All you are doing is lining greedbays pockets with insertion fees and at $56 price lucky greedbay.
2) And the spelling mistake is still in the shop title plus other little gems :-
3) "We strive for total 100% perfetion in customer service."
4) "Our store is ope 24hrs a day and 7 days a week for your shopping pleasure."
5) "Paying by Money order or check please send a copy of this listing." that prooves nothing but only the winner can print out the invoice, this approach is asking for trouble.
6) Item 370019711772 BIN 1 cent $14.30 p&p you are going to get blown off of eBay for fee circumvention very shortly and deservedly so as you are not putting any effort into this. You are a contributor to the ever tightening noose ebay is applying to clean up sellers with this sought of attitude.
7) For goodness sake spell check

8) A professional presentation never needs the word professional in it, it is obvious to the viewer.
If you want to be successful selling online please consider what you are doing, anyone else reading this thread should also take note of how not to do it. Sorry but that is fact.
edited by me to correct typo's