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Reply to "Help Please!"


The templates use a tag system to add information, so it does take a build process to create the code. Essentially, you need to create a Saved Listing at Auctiva with your chosen template, the listing Title, the text Description with any Seller Details, and the Pictures. Once created, you can use the <HTML> icon on the main Saved Listing main page for each Saved Listing to copy and paste the HTML code to the description section of the eBay listing, using the revise listing editor there. Make sure you delete the current code, except for the scrolling gallery window. The scrolling gallery code begins and ends with a comment demarc <!--ASW-->.

The Seller Details, i.e. the Payment, Shipping, Terms and Conditions, About Me, and Contact Me sections, can be created as an Auctiva Profile and added to the listing during the creation process. That can speed-up the process. Profiles are created at the PROFILES tab. You add Seller Details as a selection just right of where template is selected.

Hope those tips help.

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