hi again! well, things are a little better: i was able to file a support thingie (odd you can't file one w/ HTML when HTML is in the error).
i'm still getting that "page not found thing;" however, the listings are being saved (sort of).
no site is glitch-free; what impresses me is that the auctiva people actually DO something about it.
i was talking to a fellow eBayer about this (wonderful guy who's been w/ eBay since the ice age), and told him that, perhaps, eBay's so-called support staff might do well to visit w/ the auctiva people and learn exactly how to deal w/ support & site issues...hehehe.
and, having messed w/ 'puters (soft- and hardware both) for eleven years, i'm not averse to doing something new and different (i.e., firefox). it's just passing strange that IE is perfectly happy everywhere but here!
(i'm getting rid of ad-aware for a bit to give a go with another proggie i found. it's on my new desk-top, and i'm very impressed.)