You created your Seller Details profile
Then created/edited an Item Details profile and selected a template to use and selected Seller Details profile to use.
Then created a Master Profile using this Item Details profile.
Then when you create a listing using this Master Profile, it doesnt show the template and Seller Details profile you selected?
Assuming you did all those steps (and saved where appropriate), it should do it (and just worked for me).
If for some reason doing all those steps didnt work, then something is definately wrong and a support ticket would be in order.
To file a support ticket:
first, if you have an ISP that does spam filtering (such as aol) or if you have your own spam filter, make sure you will get emails from auctiva (by putting them in addressbook, adding to safe list on spam filter, etc.)
login to auctiva.
on each page in auctiva, at the very top right, there is a thin green bar that says "Help | Community | Refer a Friend | Add a Link | Sign Out" Click where it says "Help"
scroll all the way down to bottom of page, you'll see a section titled "File a Support Request" with two links in it. One for filing, one for coming back later and checking status.