quote:Originally posted by Westvatexan:
Wayoutwest, Thanks for the help...I didnt realize that I could not use HTML on the Microsoft site...whats that all about. It does not have an html editor option anywhere I could find...thats nuts.
Anyway, new question. Is there a way I can encode that bookmark image with the html you gave me and then save it as an image to upload to the editor? See what Im saying?..lol...I guess it would help if "I" knew what I was saying...lmao.
welcome. sorry had probs putting it on MS site.

I *think* I know what youre saying, and if MS would let you put html in, there might be a way to do it. (you can put 'hidden' code in image tag that the browser will interpret, but it takes html to do it) But of course, if they would let you put html in, you could just use the code as is. So, no, not that I'm aware of.
By the way I tried to convert the html code you gave me to use on my vstore..but it did not work...all I did was change the address's and the aspx to php...because my vstore server uses php. Do I need to tell the code where the image is located?
the code I posted, the following changes should work for your vstore
<a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('http://cheapstreetonline.vstore.ca/',
'WestCollectibles.com')" style="font-size:12px;color:#ffffff;font-family:verdana;">
<img src="http://westcollectibles.com/images/bookmark.gif" border="0" width="174" height="48"></a>
you'll want to change WestCollectibles.com in the code to whatever you want to show up in person's favorites list when they save to favorites.
amd you may have to move the image to your store, rather than having it on msn (westcollectibles.com). depends on whether or not microsoft will allow hotlinking of images.