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Help with listing on the New Sell You Item Form!!!!!!

Hi, I'v only been using auctiva a couple of months, and need some help please......i'v just tryed the 'New Sell Your Item From' on ebay, i did everything the same as i would have done for the old sell form:
1. Went to 'Saved Listings'on auctiva.
2. Clicked the box by the side of the auction i wanted to list.
3. Clicked 'HTML'.
4. Clicked 'Select All' right click 'Copy' and 'Close'.
5. Went to Ebay.
6. Clicked on sell and clicked on the new sell your item form.
7. Got to discription did a right click and clicked 'paste'and my auction came up in HTML(as it did on the old form).
8. Got to the last page and noticed that my discription was still all in HTML, with no template or photos!!!! i have tryed everything to try to change the HTML over to get my discription, template and photo's to appear but still only get it all in the HTML, on the old form it did it automaticly.
Can anyone please tell me how i'm going wrong!!!
Please Help.....

Many Thanks, Cheers, Angie.
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