I see why you wanted those changes....better!

Here's the full code with changes. http://practicewriter.com/vu/?54A79
Here's what I changed. You'll need to make these changes to your saved Template.
To the main TABLE for the description section, I added inline CSS style code to the <table... element:
style="border: solid 30px #933211;"
For each thumbnail image, I added inline CSS to the <IMG... element:
style="border: solid 2px #933211;"
If your template supports more than just the 4 thumbs on that sample, make sure you get them all. You should be able to pickout my changes. If you need help, copy and paste the template from your saved library to the practicewriter, and I'll update it directly.
Edit: Ana, my code tester is also spotting a number of bugs and scripting errors in the code.