If people actually READ previous correspondence here on the board from Support they would be aware of this.
It's a matter of someone from support finding a minute to peek in on Auctiva/message boards to know that there even IS a problem.
Be grateful that someone from support will eventually be aware of the problem and will get online & help/tend with this/any problem.
I'm shifting laundry & peeked in to see if this problem was resolved.
I would love to be listing right now like so many others but I do appreciate this wonderful FREE service I have been so lucky to take advantage of for all these years.
Of course the more we get listed the more money we make but do the math...all the money we have saved using this service is DEFINATELY reason enough to not be so pissy about the problems we run into with listing.
Had I been paying for this service...damn straight I would be all annoyed & up in everyone and anyones face about it.
purgatroid...I have not nor am I now "whining".
I am a very proud "Mommy" & well...the posts people make when Auctiva goes down are outright childish.
It's like a bunch of spoiled children not getting the piece of candy or toy they wanted.
If I was on the Auctiva side of all this I would take my sweet time about getting to any problems.
Why should they hurry for such ungrateful people?
I'd laugh & say "Sucks for them" & go on enjoying my weekend OFF with my family & friends

Look at the FULL picture before attacking Auctiva.
If it is so imperative that you have access to list 24/7 WITHOUT problems/glitches then maybe it's time you did into your pocket & pay for it.
Funny thing is you will learn the HARD way that such problems that we have here at Auctiva happen EVERYWHERE.
Welcome to the REAL world.
Back to hanging out my laundry & bathing my dogs...things I wouldn't be enjoying right now had Auctive pics NOT been down