You really can't stop anyone from doing this..but when you do find someone has "lifted" your pic or description (and you need to have a copyright on your auction, too just to make sure) you can report them to eBay.
Casual picture thievery can be alleviated by using Auctiva's picture protections..Please note that I use the term casual. There are several ways around the protection as most know..but most times if a person right clicks and there's a protection message, the person might move on to another image that is easier gotten.
If you've found that they are using your picture link (meaning using your link to your Auctiva pic) you can always swap out pics.
Here's a few examples of pics I have...

Second pic COULD offend some persons..Sorry in advance. It's one of those ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww pics. <smile>
I ALWAYS report!
Take care, Donna