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Reply to "how do delete Scrolling Gallery"

Hi waqar3,

Danno's explanation is right on the money! In order to remove the scrolling gallery from your active listings, you would need to delete the scrolling gallery HTML from the description HTML of each listing using eBay's "Revise your Item" form. This revision can be done via the following step-by-step process:

1) Click the "Revise your Item" link on the item.
2) Scroll about 1/3 down the page to the “Description” section and click the “HTML” tab on the editor.
3) Hold "CTRL" and press "F" to initiate a Firefox/IE “Find” command.
4) Enter <!--ASW--> in the "Find" field, and click "Find Next". The text <!--ASW--> will become highlighted, which is the beginning of the store window HTML.
5) Click “Find Next” and a second instance of <!--ASW--> will become highlighted, which is the end of the scrolling gallery HTML.
6) Delete all of the code between and including those two tags and save your changes

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