I believe I understand where the confusion is stemming from

When saved listings are created from importing listing from your Closed Listings folder, the template, images, description, and seller details appear within the description editor on the lister page, which makes the listings difficult to edit via standard means.
In order to update the listing to reflect the standard, easily editable listing format, I recommend, first, highlighting and copying the description text displayed within the editor. When doing so, just copy the text that you would normally enter in the description editor and exclude the images, seller details text, etc.
Once you have copied your description text, click the "Switch to Text Mode" link above the editor and highlight and delete all of the HTML code currently present there. Then, click "Switch to Design Mode" and paste the copied description text into the editor.
After you have completed these steps, the listing will appear in a more easily editable form, however, some vital information will be missing. Since the template, seller details, and images were removed from within the description editor, you will need to add these pieces of information using the standard method, which entails choosing your images using the "Select an Image" boxes, choosing your template using the "Select Template" button, and selecting your seller details profile using the "Select Seller Details" pull-down menu, directly to the right of the "Select Template" button.
I hope this information proves useful. If you have any further questions or converns, please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page: