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Reply to "How to "embed" a video or audio file"

Hello Mike,

As I recall, there's an option box somewhere (I've forgotten exactly where it is) in Auctiva to select the image host as Auctiva or some other. I suppose as long as my pictures are going to come from Auctiva, I have to select Auctiva as the host. Now, IF I have to embed an audio or video file (already converted to html) somewhere in my Description box, would I actually have to, before I even type ANYTHING into the Description box, click the "Source" button in order to paste into the box wholly html? I would have to pre-convert my text into html (either using MS WORD or FrontPage) & then paste that into the box.

However, everything is not as straight-forwrd as that. IF everything in my text is displayed in html, how would I know WHERE to insert the additional html for the audio and/or video file? [This "additonal html" is to point to wherelse (ie. another website) the sound or video file may be hosted]. Reading html is not like reading plain English text. If you convert all the your text to html & then have to insert the additional html for an audio/video file, how would one be able to discern where to insert it?

Can I hear from someone who has successfully done all this? That is, succesfully used Auctiva for text & pictures, & managed to insert/embed an audio or video file (for playback at will) amongst the text?

I don't have to say that the ability to do something like that would be rally useful for the seller of, say, a musical instrument, or, say, a racing car. The seller might have a short sound file of that musical instrument or a short video file of the car in action.

Thanxx again
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