One of them (now I've gotten them confused) one has 4 pictures above the border. That's the one that has the image tags that I can see, I think that's the one you said you did in your account.
The other one won't give me a preview in Auctiva as it says it has 2 item & description tags. I have read the HTML over a few times and I don't see the tags.
On the fist one, you have the 12 images, so I went to the bottom and from the left added 13, but that image tag did not look like the other one's.
I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO figure this out, I have to. My fear is that I'm going to change the wrong thing, get confused and lose everythig. That's the biggest fear, that everything will go poof on me. OK, I'm going to open a new browser, see if I can remove the pictures from above the border. Sorry to be such a pain