As I was poking around I noticed Auctiva and so I thought it would be a great tool to get more details in my listings. So,I signed up and all that jazz.
Well, I do understand after reading the post around here that my new listings will not show in the search for a couple hours. BUT,what about my current 105 listings that have only a day or so before they close?
My eBay store is now empty with only two listing showing in my eBay store. I am sure I have worked myself up for no reason, but all the work I have done to list those 105 items and to see the store empty

My next question is...Do I still need an eBay store if I am going to stick with Auctiva?
If I choose to close my account with Auctiva, will my auctions return to my eBay store or will I have to relist them?
I am sure I need to just step away from the computer for awhile since my heart just fell. I am sorry for allll the questions!!!
Than you much