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Reply to "I am getting this warning when signing in and when starting to list"

So do I just add my credit card info on the Pay Pal thing when I click the pay pal button? I'm sorry, I've been out of the loop for well over a year now. Also, upon trying to relist one of my items, it's saying I have my email address in the description, however, I don't. I have a 'contact' me link but it's been so long since I've done a listing that I am not completely positive that's what they're talking about. They say the email 'shows' in my description, however it doesn't. When I created this listing many moons ago, what I did was used the 'contact me' link from Ebay to place into my listings here if I remember correctly. Can you also help me with that? Thank you so very much for helping me and for taking the time to answer me. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things again and hopefully without any issues from Auctiva.
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