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Don't get me wrong here...I LOVE Auctiva, REALLY!
Why are you all doing Maintenance on a Saturday/night during PRIME Listing/Selling time? Mad
I'm thinking you Auctiva people wanna pay "Santas" toy bills? Razz I can hook you up if you want Wink
I'm taking no prisoners lately on Ebay and even my FREE off Ebay Stores Big Grin
I have this NEED to list !!!!!
I've been offline ALL day and having SERIOUS listing withdrawal Eek

Can we PLEEEEEEEEEEEZ postpone maintenance for like...ummm...after Christmas??? *ducks & runs*

Justa thought is all Razz

OK...I will shift some laundry and get fresh cup of coffee...
*crossing fingers I can list when I return*

HUGZZZZZ to all the Auctiva nerds and here's to TONS of sales this week !!!!

"Why Try to Fit in When You Are Meant To Stand Out"
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