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Reply to "I'm new here- how is this free?"

Hello and welcome,

The only way Auctiva earns money from our users is through our revenue sharing shipping insurance program.

If you use Auctiva Checkout and have Auctiva Shipping Insurance enabled, which are default settings for your account, your customers will have the option of buying insurance for the prices indicated at Auctiva -> My Account -> Auctiva Shipping Insurance Settings -> Rates and Details, which are virtually the same rates as USPS, and also cover international shipments to most countries. Of each $1.30 you receive, we would bill you $1.05 and the insurance would be purchased by Auctiva on your behalf. This revenue sharing insurance plan leaves you with a profit of at least 25 cents every time a customer purchases insurance through one of your auctions, while the rate charged to the customer is no more than USPS would charge. Auctiva Shipping Insurance policies are honored by U-Pic and complete claim forms and filing instructions can be found at .

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