quote:Originally posted by 904deals:
I sell on ebay and half.com and can't wait to start selling on Auctiva. But I have some questions. I've read and read but can't seem to find out everything I need to know.
1) will all the listings from ebay automatically transfer to Auctiva
2) I know the store won't open til mid January but can I start typing in my items now
3) will the sites be somewhat alike - 1, 3, 5 or 7 days listings with additional fees for 10 days; automatic details on items with UPC codes or ISBN numbers
4) will there be set shipping fees like on half.com
5) will we be notified by email when an item sells
6) can payments received and fees charge all go thru my current paypal account
From you second question, you may be confusing the new Auctiva commerce Stores with Auctiva's eBay listing service at auctiva.com. The new commerce Stores won't be on eBay. Think Walmart.com (retail on the web) and that's what the new service is bringing to the community. Here's the link to the new site.
The closest similar service on eBay is their ProStores.