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I need some background image help in a custom template

Hi there everyone,
I am having a problem. I created a table and used a background image in the center of the table. For some reason the image is tiling x4 instead of being one image. The image file is exactly the right size and does not need to stretch. Just to be sure I resampled the image into 2x the original size to see if it would make a difference. It did not. How can I get this image to quit tiling and just be one image? Please see the practice board for the code. It is real easy to spot in the code because it has a lot of pixel info around it because of the border surrounding this cell in the table.

Thanks for any suggestion that anyone may offer.

To explain is the star image in the center of the template. The description goes here. I want there to be one star image and not 4 stars. The star picture is getting resized when I upload it. The dimensions of the pic has been exactly cut in half of its original dimensions. How do I stop this from happening?
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