It only disables it on pictures. The only reason to right click on an image is to steal it. The majority of scripts out there disable right clicking anywhere in the listing.
If disabling right click isn't allowed there are probably several million listings that have that turned on. They should clearly state that isn't allowed.
This has never been reported to us as far as I know and we've been in millions of listings. What I think happened is that an over zealous eBay support person went crazy on your listings. Things like this happen from time to time on all sorts of different things which aren't against their rules. A new or unknowledgeable support person at eBay goes whacko and ends peoples listings for something not against the rules. Usually because their rules are so vague they can enforce just about anything they want by interpreting a rule the way they see fit.
We take a wait and see attitude and try and clarify with eBay that it is something they intend to enforce, or that the support person was mistaken. Unfortuantely we don't have an eBay UK contacts in that department. I'll see if we can go through our US Contacts and they can connect us with the appropriate UK contact.