quote:I do use PayPal consistantly. It is a great value to me to be able to print out everything at home. (btw, how did you switch to peel and stick, and how much does that end up costing you--b/c of the stickers).
Because I cannot print out non Priority international through paypal, the question becomes for Auctiva insurance's (U-Pic) proof, is a receipt enough?
I purchased some of the standard peel-and-stick labels from a ebay seller for a very reasonable price: 100 labels (2/page) for $8.50, and the seller shipped them to me PRIORITY MAIL. I just recently checked, and they're out or not selling them anymore.

I just did a Priority International that includes the Custom Form for ship to Canada a few months ago.

Here's a neat trick. If you mostly do Media, Parcel, or First Class and do alot of shipping each day or on select day, pick ONE package for upgrade to Priority (if you have none), and you get the whole group eligible for FREE USPS pickup at your home. For the few dollars difference, it saves that long trip (for me) to the PO and the counter-drop and run routine. In my current situation, it saves about $2 (at today's ugly price) on gas, so there's almost a break even. I like rewarding my repeat buyers, so that trick has a secondary benefit of one very happy buyer. Especially, if they are Media waiting 10+ days in some cases. Oh...and I always use the FREE USPS Priority Mailer boxes from the small casette to the Flat Rate boxes. Since those are free, it saves too.