I call it theft by deception.
quote:What a shame that you can't be nice to people because of one rotten person.
You do not need to feel that way, I do not consider it 'not being nice' to expect buyer feeback first, it is logical. A buyer can check the feedback I have left for others if they are uncertain about leaving it first and they will not see a bad attitude from me even for well deserved reds.
Once I got my first and only red to date I was no longer at the mercy of the 100% feedback hostage takers. If you do get a red keep the reply (you can still reply even though you cannot change your original feedback) civil, logical, unemotional and to the point and no name calling. Word it carefully to make use of the limited characters you have, compose it such that any counter reply is prevented and do not waste any letters !
Then somebody else looking at it wll see a professional seller left it not a spiteful child and will still be warned about the buyer

edit - by me to clarify meaning