I take it then you have been communicating by personal e-mails, sorry, not a good idea

Tips for when a transaction gets messy or any form of problems occur as a buyer or seller.
1) Only make contact through ask buyer/seller a question, never personal e-mails.
2) Definitely do not contact by telephone, text or paper except recorded and then only when you need to forward evidence of postage paperwork or the like. (and always keep a photocopy).
3) if the transaction is elevated to an unpaid or not as described dispute ONLY make contact via the dispute consule.
The above ensures that all communications regarding the problem is all on record at ebay, even if they persist in sending personal mails stick to sending your mails via the ebay channels.
Ensure you keep all e-mails, I keep all mails related to sales for at least one year after completeion.
Any other forms of communication are unverifiable and cannot be adjudicated if they are raised to a dispute by either side.
The honest seller has more to lose than the buyer in most cases.
quote:I don't seem to have trouble with anyone but you.
The buyers unreasonable demands so far would indicate otherwise to me. Either :-
1) they all succumbed to his aggression
2) they are figments of his imagination.
It is a typical workplace management trick when being devious with employees based on "divide and conquer" to make you feel isolated and vulnerable and then go in for the kill.
Keep to official channels and hold your ground, the buyer could easily give you a neg now regardless even if you met their demands so you have nothing to lose.
When these occasional problems occur, learn by them so you are ready and confident about how to deal with them in future, it is not a total waste of time if you gain an insight into the practical side of handling difficult customers and the procedures available to deal with them