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Is this really worth the hassle?

Over the past two weeks I have logged about a dozen requests to support for a variety of problems. None of which have been corrected or appropriately addressed. This leads me to wonder if the benefit of a free service is really worthwhile?

So far I have logged complaints about the text editor messing up listings when they are previewed. The answer to that was to use Firefox browser. Buzzzz, wrong! While it made it a bit better it still has issues.

Next I inquired as to why the drag and drop uploader would not let you drag and drop files to it. The answer - you have to use the select button in the window. Buzzzzz again! So why is it called a "drag and drop" uploader? It used to work. That is, before they made all the nice new feature changes!

Today, using the Firefox browser, that Auctiva so loves, the Java uploader ceased to function. The problem - when clicking UPLOAD you get a nice message that this is "Evaluation Software". Click continue and wahlah no files are uploaded! So it's back to IE to work on the listings. Photos uploaded, check! Listing is entered in the editor, check! Preview the listing, Buzzzzz! There goes the text again! Back to square one!

In the last two weeks I've spent more time trying to get listings out than it's worth in the money I make on them. Now I know, everyone says "what do you want for free?" Well, that doesn't really hold water here. Auctiva is part of eBays developer program. They get money, and not a small chunk, from eBay to create useful software for the eBay community. So even though they don't get the cash from us, they do get it which should make them somewhat accountable for poor software. No?

Some users say Auctiva is still the best. Even with it's problems. Is Auctiva really the best? I doubt it. Is it the best for free? Maybe. But what other "free" options are there? Turbo Lister? Sure, if you don't mind all the fees for the mini sized images and scheduling. Spare Dollar has a decent system that I used to use before I found Auctiva. Considering the frustration level here I'm beginning to wonder if I made a mistake in switching.

So what will it take for Auctiva to get this system of theirs in shape and make it usable for the masses? Heaven knows, by the number of posts here in the community, they have a long looooong way to go!

Any suggestions?
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