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Item not listing due to "API Error"


I'm getting an error when I try to list using Auctiva - I've copied it below. I'm copying an old listing which worked fine so I can't find what the issue is. I'm listing to the UK version of eBay.

Thanks for any help!


Attention Seller:
Thank you for choosing to sell on eBay.

To help protect both buyers and sellers, we may place limits on the way sellers can list certain items. You can only list this item using the site you registered on, and you can only post to that country.

We're sorry to disappoint you, but you'll need to go back and change the listing details.

To make the most of global trade on eBay, please make sure your PayPal account is verified and linked to your eBay account.

To find out how to do this, just click on the country you’re registered with:

Australia | Austria | Belgium - Dutch | Belgium - French | Canada | Canada - French | France | Germany | Hong Kong | Ireland | Italy | Malaysia | Netherlands | Philippines | Poland | Singapore | Spain | Switzerland | United Kingdom | United States

We look forward to a successful relationship with you.

For more information on PayPal verification, click here.
Mark Cuthbertson
Original Post
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