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items are coming back without return info

Weird stuff happening, the profiles under checkout all have return info showing, but the listings are going to ebay and returned for not having our return policy in them. Now, return policy is not showing up under create new listings. Please check this out, we tried different templates with the same problem showing up with no return policy under checkouts despite the corresponding profile showing that this information is there.

Now, a few minutes and about 5 attempts later I discovered the problem. It seems that when listing to 100227 category for developmental toys, the refund policy disappears from the listing never to be seen again. When you go back in and put in another category, viola, the return policy comes back under checkout options. Now, we changed it back to make sure we were not going crazy and when changed back to 100227, the return policy disappeared again! go figure! anyway, either there is a bug in the logic of the template, or there is a bug with IE8.0. Just letting you know, we are putting it under another category to work around! GEESH!
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