When I first asked an eBay rep about this they told me that it takes time to index listings. As a software engineer myself I think they are using the term "index" broad-like.
Not knowing the network topography that is eBay there are certainly things that are certainty given the sheer number of listings. Some of these being various categories will have individual databases and sub-cats as well (if not all some). The term indexing in engineering is generally associated with databases and/or structures of data in arrays, collections, lists etc.
Given some assumptions most certainly it may take some time for listings to propagate into the search mechinism. However, listings should appear visible in the categories, perhaps storefront rather rapid.
I've been working on some other stuff so I have not taken the time to really look at this. ie: If you post direct at eBay watch to see how long it takes for that listing to be visible in the category and the same test within a storefront. Additionally see how long it takes for it to show up in a search, preferably measuring both a search from the top of eBay and in the case of a storefront listing how long it takes to show up in a search inside the storefront as well.
Then do the same via Auctiva.
I have no doubt Auctiva launches listings timely. A question would be does eBay run listings coming from external third party services through additional filters or other mechinisms prior to listings going live and/or indexing.
In some regards it'd make sense (for eBay) if they did. For example to make sure someone is not using a third party service to spam categories for example.
However either way such delays create bad kharma for vendors in that:
1. WILL a listing actually CLOSE at the proper time. ie: You list at 11PM EST (8PM PST) thus the auction should end whatall... 5 days later at the specified time. It's an important facet as scheduling your auctions is important to maximize prospective viewing. Listing an auction at 3AM in the morning will not have as many folks viewing at at 10-11PM EST.
2. eBay has 4 ways basically of getting a listing sold:
1. Someone finds it in a search
2. Someone ends up browsing your store
3. Someone see's the listing when its first posted (view newest)
4. Someone bids/buys near closing (view closing soon).
Generally speaking all the time inbetween is black zone more often than not especially in categories with heaps of listings.
So lets say you vend DVD's a set of categories with tons of listings. There is a chance your listing gets viewed when posted. After "some time" (lets call it 3 hours for sake of discussion) its pushed so far down due to new listings its not likely a "browsing" customer will see it anymore unless they view say 20+ pages down in "recent listings".
From this point on we as vendors "hope" someone finds it be search or perhaps see's another listing and then does a "view all vendors listings" or visits the storefront.
This is the case until closing time. Come closing time it again becomes more likely someone will see it via "closing soon".
Point of all this being... One of the prospective time's when consumers may SEE your listing is when its FIRST LISTED. IF its not appearing then you loose 1 of the key timeframes where someone might "Buy it now" or "Mark it in a Watch".
Thus search indexing aside, how long does it take for your listing to show up in category listings. If you post at 10PM EST your covering (10 to 11:30 lets say) as your prime time EST and 7-11:30 PST prime. If it takes 5 hours for the listing to physically appear in a category (irregardless of search indexing) then the auction actually appears live at 3AM EST 12PM PST... completely for the most part out of "high traffic" time as most everyone on the east coast is asleep and most everyone on the west coast is either asleep or getting ready to go to sleep. Thus a key time of visibility is lost.
If we adjust and say... "ok its averaging 5 hours to go live" so we post at 5PM EST we now get that prime visible time at listing start. However, when the item closes at 5PM EST we are again out of prime-time surfing (at least Mon-Fri).
It'd be interesting to just run some test listings and see the time results. I'd planned to do this but I havent found the time.