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Reply to "Items STILL not on ebay!"


I figured it'd be due to spam listings or give time for filters to check listing content.

I reported a completely unrelated bug to eBay several days back. It's pertinent to CSS and IE. I'd created a flyout menu system for listings which works fine locally with MSIE, Opera, Firefox, Nutscape etc. When I sent it up to eBay worked fine in everything but MSIE.

So I went through the various support platform and even spoke to someone at eBay. Today I got back a canned response that has absolutely nothing to do with what was reported.

As you may know (Jeff) there are countless people not using CSS (rather than Javascript) for menu systems. For a flat menu system works just fine. But when having a system with sub-categories be it a vertical, horizontal drop down etc. CSS menu system something at eBay is murdering things.

As I said I reported it to them as with the number of vendors using CSS menu's it'd seem rather important. That is to say if a consumer cannot navigate/traverse a vendors menu system that will equate to consumers not being able to access product at least in the way the vendor intended they would. That'd equate to lost sales, loss perhaps of significant eBay revenue?

Canned response. Surprised me.
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