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Latency problem in Java uploading tool

Hello, I wonder oif the rest of you have experienced this, & if so, you have managed to overcome the problem. This concerns the "latency" when uploading images. I normally use the JAVA. The latency is he time-delay BEFORE your uploaded images actually appear in any of your folders. This time-delay, as I've found out, could be anywhere from 20 mins. to more than an hour, & is NOT too convenient when you want to use any of the uploaded images to do a quick listing & posting. I have confirmd this problem with the Auctiva staff & they have acknowledged it.

The other sticky problem with this is that when you uploaded any no.of images, & then you go to 'Manage' to see your uploaded images. If you don't see them there, you think they didn't uploaded, & you repeat the process. In actual fact, what has happened is that the previous uploading was, indeed, registered by the system, & eventually, you end up with MULTIPLE lots of the SAME images being uploaded!!

Has anybody ever experienced this??
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