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Reply to "Let's have a contest!"

but then i thought, well, i'll just get those christmas hankies up that i paid a fortune for last august, and then the little kids MIB dutch hankies that I paid a triple fortune for, and maybe my rare clear yellow decorated pyrex casserole.

sooooooooo, i ended up listing auctions for mandy and then somebody BOUGHT my only auction on BIN; only up for 12 here i sit at 10:19 EST not, of course, having eaten except the rest of the java mocha almond out of the carton, and no auctions up for me.

i'll decorate tomorrow.....i started LAST sunday and i'm tired of tripping over the five huge boxes AND the stepladder. i'll wash dishes, too.....uh huh.

and of course, gotta go get some cimmanon air fresheners.........altho i bought $120 worth of candles from endless treasures so maybe that'll work instead?

what i really need to do is opening the boxes of stuf i've bought since before thanksgiving and give these poor sellers their feedback i have no clue what is IN the boxes, but it'll be like early christmas.

so....i think i've had it. clyde and i are going to eat left over meatloaf and watch martha stewart >>>> maybe we'll watch coalminer's daughter or priscilla..queen of the desert!

Stressy Big Grin
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