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Reply to "Like an old married couple..."

Hi Susan,

My testing with 1MB photos that are resized by the uploader after storage to 111KB is a rate of about 4 per minute. I'm on Cable Internet and previously posted my inbound/upload rate is around 450 to 500 kbps at best. There are many test facilities you can use. Here's another one.

Try the Sanfranciso Server (geographically close to Auctiva). This morning I'm getting 480kbps to a local Ohio server and 260kbps to the San Fran server. Note, my download rate is around 7mbps. Most inbound service is on shared facility, so your service provider can be a bottleneck. However, Internet traffic conditions and routing can make a big difference, as those two tests this morning show. There's nothing Auctiva can do about Internet traffic happens.

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