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listing & imagine

Hello again everyone.

I have a problem. I had listed an auction twice that should have sold because of the product but didn't. Went in and looked at it again. There was a faulty picture that showed a black blemish on the shoe that wasn't there.

First I tried going in and editing the image and replacing it. I did this by clicking the existing picture and choosing replace. I then went and uploaded the replacement picture, this did not work.

I decided that if I could not get it to work (after several attempts), that I would just remove the picture. I deleted it from my image listings. This has done no good. From the powers that be, they want this "twice removed" picture in my auction.

I even went in to revise and found url for the picture and removed it there. Still both pictures remain, 1 I want to keep and the one I wish to delete.

Can anybody help me. I've tried everything I can think of to do, I really don't want to stop this auction again and start over. I've already lost $1.50 in unsuccessful sales, this is only a used pair of Nikes that I'm starting at only $8.85. Please advise, I'm losing the battle.

Thank you, Sam
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