Bulk listing:
You can repeat schedule the same item. I don't think there is an equivalent to the Turbolist method for bulk, yet.
Bulk editing:
Ebay has recently revised policy on BIN. Minimum price is now $1.00. I recall a new posted table at ebay that also discusses minimums for BIN vs. listing days, but couldn't immediately locate it for this post. I think it was $1.00 for all, so not sure 3 days doesn't have a higher minimum (vs. 7).
Active listings:
Normally, sold items move to Closed, but that might not occur until the periodic update Auctiva does to sync with ebay (about every two hours).
Saved listings:
You can do simple relist from the Closed listings page, or Auctiva just last week introduced the new Auto-Relist feature. Start by looking at the new Profile for that feature in the Profiles tab. It works in conjunction with designating a listing using the created profile in the one-page lister. Note, I'm reading about the capability here, but haven't tried it yet myself.
Hope that helps, but I'd check with Auctiva by opening a Support Case if something doesn't seem to work correct.