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Reply to "Listing pages too wide for some viewers."


I looked at the examples and can confirm "my need" to scroll right to see the photos. I have my monitor set 1152x864, so I'm actually a good case (high res) for viewing. Those with lower res monitors, like 1024x768 or lower, would have even more of a problem. I'm guessing you have a very high res monitor to not be seeing the problem. Note, eBay suggests minimum 800x600 and best viewing at 1024x768, so you should try setting your monitor to one or both (in turn) to see what worse case viewing might entail.

Some templates have wider boarders and consequently narrower width for the text area, which can cause photos placed right or left of description to push-out the full display width. It's truely the aesthetics of the design and not a flaw in the template. I've seen this same limitation on many templates, but they seem to have a good look for their intended purpose.

If you like the template Curly Sky (ones you are using), I'd place the photos at either top or bottom with a horizontal placement for just two images. More images than two would probably have the same effect (too wide), so paired, vertical or other grouping would probably work better.

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