I understand...I wasn't talking about the prep work involved (taking photos, research, etc) in the listing time as this wouldn't be lost when Auctiva loses your listing. I haven't messed with the profiles yet either. I just use the "create similar" function and make the necessary changes. Much faster for me. I haven't used turbo lister before, so I can't compare to that. Also, if I am working on a new listing that is pretty involved, I try to work on it in a word processor, etc. and then cut & paste when I'm ready to do the listing. This way your work is still there if something happens. For minor changes to a similar item, I work directly on Auctiva, because if something happens, like it did the other night, then not much is lost and it isn't a big deal.
Hope some of this helps, and good luck with selling your house.

PS...it was not my intentions at all to refer that you didn't have a life. We all have a life!

Have a great weekend!
