Extra suggestions would include :-
1) You definately need to use as many seachable words in that most valuable of commondity the 55 character title. No L@@k or 'great' etc just facts which are searchable, particularly brand names. I doubt the word 'Beautiful' helps in a serch although it may catch someones eye when they have already found your item. But you have to get them there first.
2) Also I think you need more low start auctions to attract buyers due to the fact shop inventory items are automatically low down the search priorites list. Generally unless a buyer specifically selects it shop inventory items only appear if there are very few auction items available that match the search. Also it appears to be prioritised to sellers with the most to offer first, in clothes and jewellery you will have a lot of competition as some sellers will have 100+ items for you to compete with. So that is not very reliable unless you are a major seller.
3) All the high start auctions cost a lot to list as you know, can they not start off lower because every buyer wants a bargain, it is a touch risky but once you start getting the satisfied customers coming back for more they will bid against each other and push prices up. This is a tricky exercise and may result in a few selling for less than you paid but auctions on eBay are curious things. Weeks of no interest in something then one watcher cracks and bids, another joins in and whoopee it goes for more than they could have paid in their local store, lucky you.
4) P&P etc looking at item 130133414649
Where is your return policy ?, put it in the appropriate field in the listing.
5) P&P terms and conditions,

You need it to be far more concise, preferably a smaller but not evil 'small print'. For me this 'standard' part of a listing was I think the most time consuming exercise to make concise, and friendly with clear terms to prevent after sale problems for buyer and seller.
Enough from me over to the other guys and gals

P.S. use Auctiva's supersize feature it is great for beautiful items